Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Lab #2 Geog 7

1.) The Beverly Hills quadrangle.
2.) Canoga Park,Van Nuys, Burbank, ,Topanga, Hollywood, None[pacific ocean], Venice, Inglewood.
3.) 1966
4.)NAD27 North American Datum of 1983. National geodetic vertical datum of 1929
5.) Scale map=  1;24,000
6.) a.) 1/,24,000=5cm/x; [1,200m]
     b.)1/24,000=5in./(x)mi. 1 mile= 63,360 inches; [about 1.9 miles on the ground]
     c.) 1/24,000=x/1mi.      1/24,000=x/15840in.       24,000x=15840in. ;  [0.66 inches]
     d.) 1/24,000=x/3km      1/24,000=x/300,000cm    24,000x=300,000cm -> x=12.5cm ;
           [3km; 30,000cm]
7.) 20 feet
8.) a.) (Public Affairs building)- 34 degrees 1 minute 38 seconds North and 118 degrees 29 minutes and 11 seconds West. In decimal degrees- 177 North and 118.486 West.
     b.) (Tip of Santa Monica Pier)- 34 degrees 0 minutes and 31seconds North and 118 degrees 29        minutes and 11 seconds West.  In decimal degrees- 34.0086 degrees North and 118.497 West.
    c.) (Upper Franklin Canyon Reservoir)- 34 degrees 7 minutes 10 seconds North and 118 degrees 24 minutes and 37 seconds West.  In decimal degrees- 34.1195 degrees North and 118.5028 degrees West.
 9.) a.) (Greystone Mansion)- 560 feet, 170.688 meters.
      b.) (Woodland Cemetery)- 140 feet, 42.672 meters.
      c.) (Crestwood Hills Park)- 600 feet, 182.88 meters.
10.) Zone 11
11.) 361500m East and 3763000m North.
12.) 1,000,000 suare meters
13.) See end of blog
14.) Magnetic declination = the difference between the geographic North Pole and magnetic north.
  [14 degrees/248miles]
15.) North to South
16.) See below

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